Sunday, September 24, 2006

3 Months Old

Who's 3 months old?

Cole is 3 months old today. The days and months continue to bring new experiences and milestones. This month Cole has become a true chatter box. He "talks" with great frequency and is always interested in vocalizing his feelings and has even started to giggle at his goofy folks. Cole has procured some amazing "Mime" skills. He has an extraordinary expressive face and we are often able to stay one step ahead of his mood swings based on his facial expressions. He has put together a great "pouty" look complete with sticking out his bottom lip and furrowing his brow... funny stuff.

Toby is due to go back to work in a few weeks so we have started taking Cole to "school" a few times a week for half days. This acclimates Cole to his new environment and helps ease into the separation from Mom (and Mom from Cole). It also allows JD to have some drive time with Cole on the way to work (Cole is going to the Sony Child Development Center). Cole does very well in the car, as long as there is constant motion which does not bode well or those gridlock mornings.

Overall, Cole is continuing to get bigger and stronger and never ceases to amaze us. He loves to sit up and observe all that is around him and seems eager to learn and accomplish new tasks.

Here is a shot from this morning

And a look back at 3 months

As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.

Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)

Happy 3rd month, Cole. Pop Pop and Nana love to see you on this special day. You look happy and healthy. Pop Pop has a cold so we will not see you this week. We do not want you to catch his cold. So we will wait for another time to come and see you. We can't wait! We send hugs and kisses to you! Love Pop Pop and Nana
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