Tuesday, October 24, 2006

4 Months Old

4 Months of livin' will wear ya out

Cole is 4 months old today. He keeps amazing his parents with his easy temperament, happy smiles that go from ear to ear and ability to continue to sleep through the night. He started off his fourth month weighing in at 14 lbs. 5 oz and measured 25.5 inches long (we’ll see what amazing growth took place at his doctor visit next week).

Cole started “school” full time when mom went back to work a few weeks ago. It took him no time at all to acclimate to his new full-time routine away from home (mom, on the other hand, needed a bit more time to adjust than Cole did!). His new environment is warm and inviting and his teachers and caregivers are loving and patient with all the children. He enjoys the morning commute in with dad and home with mom in the evenings. He is quite the trooper in the car and puts up with the L.A. traffic with the best of ‘em. He spends some of the ride catching Z’s, looking out the window or nibbling on his hands. Occasionally, he’ll show his fussiness – mostly when traffic is especially bad and the car is at a standstill - expressing himself outwardly the way mom and dad feel inside.

Cole has begun rolling over although it doesn’t seem to be a daily activity at this point. Gravity got the best of him a few times, but it there is no doubt it is a new skill he will soon master. He also continues to fill the house with the best sound his parents can think of… his laughter. Engage Cole in a game of peak-a-boo and be prepared for that contagious giggle to make you laugh too! Cole seems to soak in the world around him and takes pleasure in all of his observations. Overall, he is a wonderful and happy baby who brings his mom and dad pure joy every day!

Here's a shot from this morning

And a look back at the past 4 months

As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.

Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)


4 months old and so many changes. You are so alert and love to watch what is happening in your environment, be it in your family room, while taking a walk, or riding in the car. You respond to the voices you hear and love being part of a loving, nurturing family. Pop pop and Nana are so excited when we come to see you. You are wonderful and we enjoy every minute we are in your presence. We show off your pictures to anyone who askes about you. Our friends here in Sierra Vista look forward to seeing you when you come for Christmas. Hope you will feel up to seeing them. Well, you have all our love.

Pop Pop and Nana
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