Sunday, October 08, 2006

Intro to Heartache

Cole and his Pops were able to spend Saturday and Sunday in the same fashion as thousands of other fathers and sons across this great land... they took in a couple ball games. The San Diego Padres were playing in the MLB playoffs for the second year in a row and JD decided this would be a good time to introduce Cole to the game of baseball.

Saturday morning was happily spent watching the Padres beat the St Louis Cardinals to stave off elimination and live to play another day.

Sunday eve allowed father and son to take in another big game. Now, time will only tell if Cole turns out to be a sports fan or a baseball fan for that matter, but Dad figured there is no harm in pointing the boy in the right direction (and everyone knows that pushing the child to be a Royals fan can be considered child abuse).

Dad and Cole before the game

Dad... after the game

Yes, the Padres lost and are out of the playoffs and luckily Cole went to bed while the game was still tied so he can have dreams of championships still to come.

There's always next year.... plus College Hoops starts in a month!!!

As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.

Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)


You and your dad look super in your Padre's garb! Your mom and dad spent many an evening with friends attending Padre games in San Diego. Maybe you and your folks can see a game together, maybe Pop Pop and Nana can go also. That would be fun! Love you. Pop Pop and Nana
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