Monday, May 03, 2010

Casey @ 3 Months

Casey is 3 months old today! Casey has reached some great milestones this past month. He is now at the Sony Center full time. He adjusted wonderfully and it is already a home away from home. Casey is cooing like crazy and tells big stories to his parents, brother and teachers. He will even laugh (if the joke is good enough) which is quite contagious. Casey has also found his hands. He mostly uses them to taste, chew and drool over at this point. Much to our delight, Casey is sleeping through the night! We are on a pretty good roll and we hope it continues. Rarely does he wake up crying... usually we know he is up in the morning by his sweet little sounds and, when he sees us, we are greeted with a fantastic smile.

Casey’s head/neck is getting much more strong and steady, but we have a little more to go before we can say with confidence that he is holding his head up on his own. We are also very close to having a baby that can roll over. It is a matter of short time for both! Our littlest man has a 3 month doctor visit on Wednesday and we are curious to see how much he weighs. He is a sturdy one and we aren’t worried about a lack of weight gain.

Casey loves to look out and see everything around him. He continues to be very happy and smiley - we love it! And Cole is still the best big brother around! We are truly amazed at how he has continued to fill the role of big brother in such an upstanding way. He loves his brother, looks out for him, helps mom and dad, is more patient that we could have asked for and has yet to show any jealousy. Both our boys continue to make us so proud!

Here is a glance at Casey's progression over the past 3 months

And finally... a look at Cole at 3 months next to his 3 month old brother

Much more to come to the new

As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.

Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)

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